Friday 14th of June 2024
The Gaitpost

My New Year’s Resolution is …

Whether it’s to be healthier, less indulgent or to take more time out, here are some of our top professional rider’s New Year’s Resolutions (We wonder if they can keep them?!)..


Photography by Paul Ruffle

Photography by Paul Ruffle



“I don’t drink and I don’t smoke, but my weakness is chocolate, so lots of sitting trot and visiting the gym, so the horses don’t start telling me off for having to much of a sweet tooth!”

Bobby Hayler, senior international Grand Prix dressage rider, courtesy of Dressage Deluxe




Photo Libby Law

Photo Libby Law



“My New Years resolution is to eat healthier…I might not be the tallest guy but I went to a 4* event recently on a 15.2hh!! So, it’s only fair on the horses I try to keep as trim as possible!

Austin O’Connor, Olympic Event Rider, courtesy of Childéric Saddles





Anthony Condon Showjumper



“My New Years resolution would be to get fitter. I’ve put on a few pounds recently for which my friends are taking the micky out of me so that will be my main one”

Anthony Condon, show-jumper, courtesy of Childéric Saddles







Photography Nathalie Todd

Photography Nathalie Todd



“To get fit. I am playing polocrosse for the UK at the World Cup in South Africa next year and to keep up with the youngsters, I will have to work at it!”

Jason Webb, Natural Horseman, courtesy of Aloeride







Leslie Bliss Photography

Leslie Bliss Photography

“New Years Resolution? Would be to eat more healthy, I do like my take-aways and also have a real sweet tooth!”

Michael Eilberg, International Dressage Rider, Courtesy of Shadow Horse


“If I got my Christmas wish of a beach holiday, my New Years Resolution in making sure I recharge my batteries would be on the way!”

Maria Eilberg, international dressage rider courtesy of Shadow Horse



Photo David Miller

Photo David Miller



“My New Years resolution is to give up wine during the week, it has become far to routine to pour my glass of wine when I get in!” 

Lucy Cartwright, international dressage rider courtesy Aloeride







Photo David Miller

Photo David Miller


“My 2014 resolution was not to buy any clothes for myself all year. So far I have kept it! The 2015 resolution is not so easy. Maybe I can do it again but I doubt it!”

Loraine Homer top show rider, producer and judge, courtesy of Aloeride









Photo Risto Aaltonen

Photo Risto Aaltonen



“My New Years resolution: Drink less fizzy drinks before all my teeth fall out (I think this has probably been my resolution for the last three years but it doesn’t appear to have worked so far!)

Becky Moody, international dressage rider courtesy of Childéric Saddles





Photo Risto Aaltonen

Photo Risto Aaltonen

“Try not to complain so much in the strength and conditioning suite at university during my personal training sessions, it might make the whole experience a little more enjoyable for everyone!”

Maisie Scruton, young dressage rider, courtesy of Childéric Saddles







Photo David Miller

Photo David Miller




“To eat less chocolate … AGAIN! Ahh I don’t know! My life is pretty good, I am not sure I would change or resolve anything!”

Natasha Baker, Multi Gold Medallist Paralympic Dressage Rider courtesy of Verdo Horse Bedding and Golly Galoshes






Photo Sebestian Oakley

Photo Sebestian Oakley




“I don’t do New Years resolutions normally, so will start by making a New Years resolution to make a New Years resolution”

Jock Paget, International eventer courtesy of Childéric Saddles







Photo Thoroughbred Sports Photography

Photo Thoroughbred Sports Photography




“My New year resolution to do more BS jump practice in 2015!”

Victoria Bax, eventer and ex-racehorse trainer, courtesy of Golly Galoshes and Aloeride







Gemma Tattersall Timothy Foxx Sponsored Rider-1Gemma Tattersall Timothy Foxx Sponsored Rider-1Gemma Tattersall Timothy Foxx Sponsored Rider-1Gemma Tattersall Timothy Foxx Sponsored Rider-1Gemma Tattersall Childéric rider


“I don’t really go in for New Year resolutions, but I will be aiming to get myself lean and fit for the season so I can go out and win!”

Gemma Tattersall, international event rider, courtesy of Childéric Saddles, Timothy Foxx & Verdo Horse Bedding



Dressage Deluxe Sponsored Rider Jane Lavington on Boston Deluxe emailer


“I don’t really make any but just have a series of goals that I hope to achieve instead. The main one is to debut ‘Boston Deluxe’ at Inter 1 and carry on refining the work, we’re doing at home in order to be competing at Inter 2 by next summer”

Jane Lavington, dressage rider and judge, courtesy of Dressage Deluxe




Jessica Thompson Freddie Parker Sponsored Rider crop



“My New Years resolutions are to drink more water, as it’s important when I’m riding several horses a day. I get distracted and then end up with a headache! Other resolutions include taking care of my nails better and calling home more often, family is important and being so busy sometimes distracts me!”

Jessica Thompson, Dressage rider courtesy of Freddie Parker




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