Introducing Harvey Burton…
Undoubtedly the best present anyone could hope for, I was chosen by Chris Burton for his then girlfriend Bek (Now Mrs B) who was lucky enough to receive me for her birthday in 2012. Technically I am a working cocker spaniel, but from Day One, I have always believed I am more like one of the two-legged kind.
Admittedly I am a little obsessed with birds, in particular pheasants…I just love making them fly!! I am not so good at catching them though; I think I have to work on my discreteness, as they’re normally well gone before I have any kind of shot at them.
I like the idea of leading Chris around all day, he often refers to me as his reverse shadow…. however I’m not sure this is a good thing as he’s often tripping over me!
Trucking is another one of my favourite pastimes; some would dread the sight of them coming downstairs fully dressed at 3am but not me!! That can only mean one thing…we’re going for a lorry trip, hopefully a XC course walk at the other end and I might even get to see my best friends, Daisy Griffiths and Buster Walls. I must admit I have mastered the art of sulking down to a tee if they leave me at home, but thankfully that is now quite rare.
I am well known on the eventing circuit for my love of food. I often invite myself around to various BBQ’s and will make sure nothing goes to waste. I do have to be careful nowadays though, because last year we were driving from Pau to Le Lion and I may have over indulged on some cheese and onions I came across the night before…lets just say I wasn’t very popular on that trip and was very nearly put in the back with the horses!
When at home I like to collect my dinner provider at exactly 5pm from the yard and then later watch intently as they prepare their own (there’s always hope of seconds!)…although I think they have high hopes that I might conjure up a three course meal when they return home one evening (slim chance)!
I am very trainable when I want to be, I have mastered the door shut after they let me out for a wee in the morning but I am still yet to grasp the foot wipe. Mrs B is frequently asking me how I carry so much dirt around, but why would I go round a puddle when I can play in it or play bird chase on the muck heap or the all too tempting run round in the big sand pit (however for some reason the horses take priority of the latter). I should really try and keep a little cleaner though or she attacks me with the horse clippers!
All in all I know they think I am an amazing dog and I am a huge part of their family and I love them as much as they love me.